This is the rare 1966 program-length promo created by CBS to promote their Fall line-up for that year. Shows promoted include: "It's About Time", "Run, Buddy, Run", "Family Affair", "The Jean Arthur Show", "Jericho" (Yes, there are three flops with the same name), "CBS Thursday Night Movie", "CBS Friday Night Movie" and "Pistols and Petticoats". Most of these shows were quite short lived. Please forgive the film deterioration, and I must warn that this is the best quality circulating. Promo presented here for historic value. Since the shows promoted here obviously cannot be uploaded, this fall-preview special is the next best thing.
Htos1 -
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November 1, 2012 Subject:
One other thing...
This is for my engineering brethren:since we know the degradation curve of this film stock(it goes just red in print,whether film or frames)can't we come up with an algorithm to correct this color degradation?I realize there must be a blue and yellow signal of any stregnth,but it seems doable(I'm just a hardware geek,though).Anyone?
Reviewer:Dwight Frye
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May 16, 2009 Subject:
Run Buddy Run?
This is great.Remember every one of these shows,with exception of Run Buddy Run.From those that just sucked outright,like Jean Arthur Show,to those that were actually pretty good,but just happened to have a bad time slot,like Pistols & Petticoats,and Jericho.And the color,while a bit faded,is still pretty good.